• Black Rose Florist Porirua | About Nimmi

About Black Rose Florist Porirua

Nimrekha Collins

Nimmi… shopaholic, movie addict who loves family time, travel and having fun. Favourite flower is Rose.

Nimrekha Collins (Nimmi) is the face of Black Rose Florist Porirua.

Previously, Nimmi was with Your Wellington Florist (formerly Black Rose Plimmerton) for over 12 years. Nimmi began working as a junior florist in training with Sheryl in 2008.

Her passion for flowers and anything floral started in Sri Lanka when she attained her certificate in horticulture before she went on to own her own nursery. She is fully bilingual in English and Sri Lankan (Sinhalees).

She completed New Zealand professional florist level 3 in 2014 and was very lucky to be awarded The Ethal Black Award. She won 1st place in the NZPF annual competition in 2014 and was awarded the Malcolm Angus cup. Then Nimmi was the runner up for Interflora florist of the future competition in 2015 which was held in Rotorua and also won the Interflora pacific cup 2017 held in Christchurch. She is now working towards her NZPF senior exams.

Nimmi pays close attention to details when working with her customers. She feels it is important to get the details right so that moving forward all the customers’ needs are met.

Nimmi’s passion is reflected in the beautiful work she does and she maintains the high standards that Black Rose is known for.

Black Rose Florist Porirua | Interflora

We are Interflora certificate holders